The Aardbanq DAO

This is the online governance platform for interactions with the Aardbanq DAO.

The Aardbanq DAO ICO is now open.
We are creating a smart wallet for the Ethereum blockchain. Our wallet ensures that the custody and stewardship of your funds stays with you entirely, and not with a third party. Here is a short video showing how our security model works.

If you want to be part of the governance of this project you can participate in our ICO by purchasing our ABQ governance tokens for the Aardbanq DAO. Our ICO can be found here, or you can buy the ABQ token on exchanges.

To participate in the ICO follow these steps:

Familiarize yourself with the ICO's terms.

You can find the terms of the ICO here.

Get some DAI or ETH to make your token purchase with.

You can get DAI on exchanges or DEXs like Uniswap (

Go to the ICO page and make your purchase.

The price per ABQ token increases with every 50 000 tokens that are sold, so make sure to make your purchase as soon as possible.

Claim your tokens.

You’ll see your tokens under “ABQ Claimable”.

You can purchase ABQ tokens via our ICO or by providing liquidity for our ILO.

What is the Aardbanq DAO?

DAO - Distributed Autonomous Organisation. It's a smart contract used to manage the votes on, and the execution of decisions about what needs to happen in the company. For example, the management committee of Aardbanq might decide that it's time to upgrade its website. They will submit a request to the Aardbanq DAO. Everyone who has staked their ABQ token(s) will get a vote on whether or not the request is approved according to their respective share of the total token pool.

In addition, any profits from the Aardbanq products are directed to an account under the control of the Aardbanq DAO. Based on a vote performed on the Aardbanq DAO, profits can then be distributed to holders of staked ABQ tokens based on terms agreed to in the vote.

Our Founders

Cornelius Gouws
Cornelius Gouws
Software Architect

Cornelius is all about execution, and has a knack for putting together teams. He has over a decade of experience in both building and leading technical teams in software companies. He’s worked as both a developer and a software architect in Business Processes, Internet Radio, and AI. His previous company, Dreamtec Innovation, he co-founded. Dreamtec specialized in process management software for the insurance industry. In 2012, Cornelius took notice of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. From there, one thing led to the next.

Francisco de Carvalho
Francisco de Carvalho
UX & Design

Francisco is always asking, “Is it practical? Is it useful? Is it relevant?” After completing his Computer Science degree, he opted to study Visual Communication which gave him insight into how software should behave when in the hands of a user. He took this knowledge into the workforce and worked for a number of large corporates (like EOH AMP - where he founded their UX department), eventually co-founding his own software development company, AppCapital. Eventually it was not difficult for Francisco to begin understanding the possibilities in cryptocurrencies considering his friendship with Cornelius.

Edwin Jay
Edwin Jay
Full Stack Developer

Edwin is an adaptive guy who always finds a way to get the best from himself. He began his career as a lawyer, and also founded a number of his own companies, among them a law firm and a sports nutrition company. Eventually he moved into software development and honed his skills in the financial industry as a full stack developer for the better part of the last decade. Being a software developer in the financial industry, it did not take long for him to then build healthy enthusiasm and interest in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space.

Hank Coetzee
Hank Coetzee
QA & Operations

Hank always makes a plan work regardless of the odds and challenges. Before moving into the world of financial tech, he spent time in Private Equity, investments, and commodities. After having founded a number of his own companies and researching alternative investments for clients, he stumbled on cryptocurrencies as an asset class and realized that there must be more than meets the eye. He then re-trained and entered the world of software testing full time.