
Token ILO

Welcome to the ILO for the ABQ token used in the Aardbanq DAO (Distributed Autonomous Organization).

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What is ABQ Token?

ABQ is the token used in the governance of the Aardbanq DAO. That's just a fancy way to say that if you stake your ABQ tokens you get to vote on the decisions about what happens in Aardbanq. This gives you the ability to be involved in shaping the future of the company and its products.

The Aardbanq DAO

DAO - Distributed Autonomous Organisation. It's a smart contract used to manage the votes on, and the execution of decisions about what needs to happen in the company. For example, the management committee of Aardbanq might decide that it's time to upgrade its website. They will submit a request to the Aardbanq DAO. Everyone who has staked their ABQ token(s) will get a vote on whether or not the request is approved according to their respective share of the total token pool.

In addition, any profits from the Aardbanq products are directed to an account under the control of the Aardbanq DAO. Based on a vote performed on the Aardbanq DAO, profits can then be distributed to holders of staked ABQ tokens based on terms agreed to in the vote.

How the ILO Works

1. Approve Your Funds

Use the ILO interface to approve the amount of DAI that you want to use to take part.

2. Make Your Purchase

Specify the amount of DAI you want to use to make your purchase.

3. Claim Your Tokens

You will be able to claim your liquidity tokens as well as your ABQ reward after the liquidity lock up time has passed.

In addition to receiving DAI-ABQ liquidity tokens on Uniswap, you will also receive ABQ tokens for 25% of the DAI liquidity that you provide in our ILO.

For example, if you provide 1 000 DAI worth of liquidity in our ILO, you will receive 1 000 DAI's worth of DAI-ABQ liquidity tokens on Uniswap as well as 250 ABQ tokens.

The amount of DAI-ABQ liquidity tokens that you will receive to be able to claim will be established at the last price that ABQ tokens sold for in the Aardbanq ICO at the point at which the ILO has ended.

For example: If the ILO ends while the ABQ token price on the ICO is 2.50 DAI per token, then the Uniswap liquidity pool will be established at 2.50 DAI per ABQ.