How the ICO Works

The ICO is very similar to other ICOs. You use the interface provided to purchase tokens at the specified price. The price per token increases with every 50 000 tokens that are sold so it's best to purchase your tokens as soon as possible. Tokens purchased will only be available to claim after the Initial Liquidity Offering has closed on 25 April 2021.

Familiarize yourself with the ICO's terms.

You can find the terms of the ICO here.

Get some DAI or ETH to make your purchase with.

You can get DAI on exchanges or DEXs like Uniswap (

Go to the ICO page and make your purchase.

The price per ABQ token increases with every 50 000 tokens that are sold, so make sure to make your purchase as soon as possible.

Check back after 25 April 2021 to claim your tokens.

Tokens will be available to claim after the ILO ends on 25 April 2021. You’ll see your tokens under “ABQ Claimable”.

Some things that might not be as common as in other ICOs:

  • You need to approve an amount of DAI that you want to use to participate in the ICO upfront. This is so that the ICO contract has the authority to withdraw the specified amount of DAI from your account to process your token purchase transaction.
  • The price per token increases with every 50 000 tokens that are sold.
  • After the ILO has concluded you'll be able to claim your tokens. Click here for more information about the ILO.

How the ILO Works

Familiarize yourself with the ILO's terms.

You can find the terms of the ILO here.

Get some DAI or ETH to make your purchase with.

You can get DAI on exchanges or DEXs like Uniswap (

Go to the ILO page to contribute to the ILO.

Specify the amount of DAI you want to contribute to the liquidity pool.

Check back to claim your tokens.

You will be able to claim your liquidity tokens as well as your ABQ reward tokens after the liquidity lock-up period has passed.

In addition to receiving ABQ-DAI liquidity tokens on Uniswap, you will also receive ABQ tokens for 25% of the DAI liquidity that you provide in our ILO.

For example, if you provide 1 000 DAI worth of liquidity in our ILO, you will receive 1 000 DAI's worth of ABQ-DAI liquidity tokens on Uniswap as well as 250 ABQ tokens.

The amount of ABQ-DAI liquidity tokens that you will receive to be able to claim will be established at the last price that ABQ tokens sold for in the Aardbanq ICO at the point at which the ILO has ended.

For example: If the ILO ends while the ABQ token price on the ICO is 2.50 DAI per token, then the Uniswap liquidity pool will be established at 2.50 DAI per ABQ.