The ABQ Tokenomics

We are creating a smart wallet for the Ethereum blockchain. Our wallet ensures that the custody and stewardship of your funds stays with you entirely, and not with a third party. Here is a short video showing how our security model works.
What is the ABQ Token?

The ABQ token allows you to have a say in the Aardbanq DAO. This includes the ability to propose and vote on resolutions for the Aardbanq DAO, including what software to include in the Aardbanq ecosystem and how/when profits from the DAO get distributed.

Token Distribution

50 000 ABQ is allocated to the Aardbanq DAO for marketing and bounties.

A maximum of 62 500 ABQ is allocated to the Aardbanq DAO for the public ILO and rewards for the ILO.

A maximum of 950 000 ABQ is allocated for the ICO.

15% of ABQ tokens are allocated to the founders.

Initial Liquidity Offering (ILO)

A maximum of 50 000 ABQ will be available for the ILO, with a further maximum of 12 500 ABQ as rewards for participating in the ILO.

This will go towards opening a liquidity pool on Uniswap at a price of 1 DAI per ABQ.

The ILO concludes on 25 April 2021, 00:01 UTC or as soon as the maximum ABQ tokens have been purchased.

Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

A maximum of 950 000 ABQ will be available in the ICO.

The ICO will run until 1 May 2022, 00:01 UTC.

The first 50 000 ABQ will be available for purchase at 1 DAI per ABQ. DAI is a US Dollar stablecoin.

Each successive 50 000 ABQ will cost an additional 0.50 DAI per ABQ.

Number of Tokens Token Price
0 - 50 000 ABQ 1 DAI per ABQ
50 001 - 100 000 ABQ 1.50 DAI per ABQ
100 001 - 150 000 ABQ 2 DAI per ABQ
900 001 - 950 000 ABQ 10 DAI per ABQ
Founders' Allocation

The Founders will receive 15% of the total ABQ tokens that are minted, and not from the maximum amount specified for each allocation. For example: this means that if the ICO sells a total of 85 000 ABQ, then 15 000 ABQ will be awarded to the Founders from the ICO minting of tokens. The same applies for the ILO and any other tokens that are minted.
